Malpractice and Maladministration Policy

Student Policy


Malpractice and maladministration are those actions that may threaten the integrity of examinations. The Chief Invigilator must make sure that the Invigilator complies with the regulations and report all cases to MHR’s Principal.
Student Policy


Malpractice is defined as any deliberate act of wrong doing, contrary to the rules of examinations/assessment of coursework designed to give a candidate an unfair advantage or able frequently, to place a candidate at a disadvantage.
Student Policy

Form of Exam Malpractice

The forms of examination malpractice are:

  • Plagiarism (stealing or passing ideas or words of another as one’s own);
  •  Using any cheat notes;
  • Copying from pre-prepared answer sheet;
  • Colluding with other students to get the right answer;
  • Copying from another student’s test;
  • Continuing taking the test even when the time is over.
Student Policy

Exam Malpractice Process

Suspected malpractice discovered by a chief invigilator during an exam: Collect and return all candidate scripts to MHR as normal (do not keep any scripts at invigilator).

The chief invigilator report must include:

  • A detailed account of the incident or circumstances surrounding the suspected malpractice.
  • When the learner was removed from the exam room (if appropriate).
  • Details of the investigation you have carried out.
  • The policy given to invigilator and learner about exam conduct and, MHR regulations. For example, did the learner receive their exam notification slip.
  • Any actions you have in place to reduce the risk of malpractice occurring (if appropriate).

You must also attach scanned copies of the following documents:

  • learner notification slips and valid photo ID (Passport, National Identity Card or Photographic Driving License)
  • scanned copies or photographs of any unauthorized materials found in the learner’s possession
  • photographs of any other evidence (if appropriate)
  • a copy of your seating plan and attendance register (if appropriate).

Completing the form

  • Before completing the form (Appendix A) read through the instructions that are relevant to the type of suspected malpractice you are reporting.
  • The instructions detail what you must include in the ‘Chief Invigilator Report’ section of the form.
  • Complete each field and make sure the form is signed or the signature box is ticked by the Chief Invigilator.
  • Do not send this form back in the script packet or with the coursework sample.

Please store the original documents securely at chief invigilator.

Student Policy

Malpractice in Assessment of Coursework

Malpractice in Assessments is defined as a candidate’s attempt to mislead or deceive the examiners concerning the work submitted for assessment.
Student Policy

The forms of assessment malpractice

The forms of assessment malpractice are:

  • Resubmitting one’s own work or part thereof when any of this has been submitted for marks or credits even if in a different module or for a different qualification or completed prior to entry to the Institute without specific written permission to do so from the Institute staff concerned
  • Submitting the same work to satisfy the requirements of two assessments
  • Colluding with others to submit work which is not entirely one’s own except where this is permitted or required for the specific assignment concerned
  • Making or causing to be made a fraudulent statement concerning the work submitted for assessment or the student’s candidature for assessment or examination (this is also intended to address the false signing of a declaration of integrity)

Student Policy

Assessment Malpractice Process

Completing the form

  • Before completing the form (Appendix A) read through the instructions that are relevant to the type of suspected malpractice you are reporting.
Student Policy

Malpractice Form

Read the malpractice and maladministration policy before you fill it in.

